Monday, January 3, 2011

ClubCLD(?) Progress

I've starting putting together all the content for the first publication of what I'm tentatively titling "ClubCLD". Main reason for it being a tentative title is I don't know if I want it to just be all my stuff or if I'm going to have occasional contributors. I think I'll probably keep it as it'll be me running the whole thing, and someone doesn't like it I encourage them to start up their own publication.

Seriously, I mean that without any bite or sarcasm. I'd love to see some of my friends make something like this, as a lot of them are very talented, even moreso than I. But hopefully my own takes off and does well.

Anyways, the content. Suffice it to say I've got some really cool stuff in store for all you cool kids out there. There's all-new content coming out with it specifically for the publication, and one really, REALLY cool thing I'm putting together that'll be for you crazy collectors of all things rare out there. And yes, it's still free, so that's awesome too!

If you're not one of the cool cats on the mailing list yet, it's not too late! Shoot me an e-mail ( with the subject "CLD MAILING REGISTRATION" and include your name, address, and anything else you want to shout out to me. Get it to me before February 1st to get the first publication!

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